Dec 01, 2005, 01:08 PM // 13:08
Pre-Searing Vanquisher
Join Date: Jun 2005
Guild: Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]
Though really you don't have any valid reasons to put this in the game either.
Dec 01, 2005, 10:43 PM // 22:43
Frost Gate Guardian
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Originally Posted by Vilaptca
Though really you don't have any valid reasons to put this in the game either.
You don't think so? Everyday most of us search for ways to save time and effort in most everything we do. Why wouldn't we want to save time and effort in GW?
Please people if you cannot come up with valid/logical reasons for dismissing the ideas/game suggestions posted in forums ignore the threads and move along.
Sheesh, Some of you can be compared to those that said back in the 1800's that we had already discovered anything worth being discovered. By all means let's stop progress before we advance civilization too much.
Dec 01, 2005, 11:01 PM // 23:01
Underworld Spelunker
Originally Posted by Ensabah Nur
You don't think so? Everyday most of us search for ways to save time and effort in most everything we do. Why wouldn't we want to save time and effort in GW?
your idea of saving tima and effort seems (at least to some) as being lazy.
either your time and effort is worth more than the gold and you leave it and go on
or it is worth picking up.
you would like a valid reason for having to pick it up?
here we go
you may have seen other threads with the topic of *carrots* for people to go after to show progress in the game.
gold on the ground is one of those *carrots*
you actually see a tangible reward for your effort.
with your way all those monsters that only dropped a pile of gold but no other object would have people going *i fought 5 minutes and got nothing?* unless they happened to remember to check their inventory and then happened to have kept a running tally so they knew how much (if any) gold they got.
is that a valid reason to keep gold for people to pick up?
Dec 01, 2005, 11:07 PM // 23:07
Frost Gate Guardian
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Not really Loviatar as you would still see how much gold your party shared everytime an enemy dropped gold because the message would still appear you just wouldn't have to manually pick it up. So you would still recognize your "Carrot"
I reiterate (<which means state again)
Please people if you cannot come up with valid/logical reasons for dismissing the ideas/game suggestions posted in forums ignore the threads and move along.
Dec 01, 2005, 11:11 PM // 23:11
Pre-Searing Vanquisher
Join Date: Jun 2005
Guild: Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]
If you think thats such a valid reason for doing it with gold, why not items as well? In fact, why don't we start the game at level 20 with the whole game finished and all skills unlocked. Really, you should come up with some valid reasons first before you tell everyone else to come up with some valid reasons why not.
Dec 01, 2005, 11:25 PM // 23:25
Frost Gate Guardian
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Originally Posted by Vilaptca
If you think thats such a valid reason for doing it with gold, why not items as well? In fact, why don't we start the game at level 20 with the whole game finished and all skills unlocked. Really, you should come up with some valid reasons first before you tell everyone else to come up with some valid reasons why not.
Oi vay *puzzled why some people can't comprehend what they read*
A) I have mentioned why not to do the same with items in my OP.
B) Again yet another reply that drifts OT and still has no valid reason why the suggestion should not be implemented.
C) The valid reasons FOR implementing this suggestion was in my OP and more posts after : IE; save time and effort. How many times will you need to read this before you understand?
FYI in another Forum , I have a poll along with this very suggestion and ATM there are 72% of the votes for implementing and only 28% against. So mayhaps you can figure it out now. It's a decent idea that the MAJORITY would like to see implemented.
Dec 01, 2005, 11:39 PM // 23:39
Furnace Stoker
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Of course, there's always that little dude in Dungeon Seige that runs around and collects stuff for you... that was moderately entertaining... but you still got to see your stuff on the ground.
Dec 01, 2005, 11:42 PM // 23:42
Pre-Searing Vanquisher
Join Date: Jun 2005
Guild: Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]
Fine, I'll post something constructive.
What does this do for the game? How does it improve the game? If this were to be implemented how would it affect the game? Have you seen this done in another game before, and how did it work out?
At the moment, the only reasoning I can see for this is that you're lazy. Not to offend you in any way, but this looks incredibly lazy.
I've played the whole game through with all four of my characters, and almost 95% of the time, someone is picking up the gold. For most of this game you are playing with an average of 6 people. The chance that all 6 people are quite lazy and won't pick up the gold is silly. There is always someone who runs around picking everything up. I've grouped with people who will run away from a fight to go pick up gold we missed.
I can't see any purpose to this being in the game. Are you grouping with henchmen? I have all the time recently. My lag is horrible lately and I don't want to play with people who might complain about me not pulling my weight so I farm SF and GF. I clear the whole place and then go around and pick up anything I missed, typically its gold.
I can imagine the game without having to pick up items. In PUGs, we already have a problem with Warriors running off and attacking the next mob before the casters are ready, imagine how much faster they do it when they have nothing to waste time doing.
Your valid reason of saving time is kind of silly. You'll save maybe 4-5 seconds on a whole mission from not picking up your gold. Wow. I can almost go do something with that time.
If you'd like to link to the post on another forum that had so many people wanting it, that'd be nice. I'd like to see how many people those percentages are based off of and what their reasons are for wanting this besides just "to save time."
Just rereading this and it sounds sort of like I'm trying to start a flame war...which I'm not...
Dec 01, 2005, 11:46 PM // 23:46
Underworld Spelunker
Originally Posted by Ensabah Nur
It's a decent idea that the MAJORITY would like to see implemented.
i had a hunch which forum would lean toward getting as little as possible out of PVE and there it was.
the poll is at TGH which is very pvp oriented.
nice wide open sample.
lets have the same poll at GWOnline and check it out
25 people
Last edited by Loviatar; Dec 01, 2005 at 11:51 PM // 23:51..
Dec 02, 2005, 12:02 AM // 00:02
Desert Nomad
Join Date: Jun 2005
Guild: The Amazon Basin [AB]
I would love to be able to see a henchie pick up a glob of ecto. That would mean I don't have to suffer through another PUG ever again!
Dec 02, 2005, 12:13 AM // 00:13
Frost Gate Guardian
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OK, you don't like TGH well let's look at the results here:
Of the 16 different people that have posted;
6 have mentioned favoring the idea
1 has decided against(Loviatar)
7 posters have actually had No Opinon one way or the other
and 2 just wanted to call me Lazy(Struth & KaneOG) {Loviatar started by just wanting to call me lazy but decided to dislike it because.. well only he/she knows why?}
So even here the Majority has been in favor of the Gameplay Suggestion, hmmmmm. Please stop while you're behind.
Dec 02, 2005, 12:15 AM // 00:15
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: San Jose, CA, USA
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Originally Posted by Sereng Amaranth
I would love to be able to see a henchie pick up a glob of ecto. That would mean I don't have to suffer through another PUG ever again!
You'll never see it because henches aren't allowed in UW, the choice of characters is just for arguments sake, not a statement of fact.
And to stay on topic, it is lazy if you can't be bothered to click on the gold to pick it up, since you already have to click on items that drop, that millisecond it takes to click on the gold is really going to add up. No matter how many polls you put up and how many people agree with it won't happen, you're only wasting your time asking for such a game mechanic.
Last edited by Zaklex; Dec 02, 2005 at 12:18 AM // 00:18..
Dec 02, 2005, 12:32 AM // 00:32
Furnace Stoker
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Originally Posted by Ensabah Nur
OK, you don't like TGH well let's look at the results here:
Of the 16 different people that have posted;
6 have mentioned favoring the idea
1 has decided against(Loviatar)
7 posters have actually had No Opinon one way or the other
and 2 just wanted to call me Lazy(Struth & KaneOG) {Loviatar started by just wanting to call me lazy but decided to dislike it because.. well only he/she knows why?}
So even here the Majority has been in favor of the Gameplay Suggestion, hmmmmm. Please stop while you're behind.
Forgive me if my implied against came across as indifference. I was being subtle and hoping to avoid flaming.
Dec 02, 2005, 03:46 AM // 03:46
Forge Runner
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Originally Posted by Zaklex
You'll never see it because henches aren't allowed in UW, the choice of characters is just for arguments sake, not a statement of fact.
And to stay on topic, it is lazy if you can't be bothered to click on the gold to pick it up, since you already have to click on items that drop, that millisecond it takes to click on the gold is really going to add up. No matter how many polls you put up and how many people agree with it won't happen, you're only wasting your time asking for such a game mechanic.
Uh what? It's not a bad idea, though it may not be ground breaking, earth shattering super new territory. There's no reason that it shouldn't be in chapter 2, or sooner.
Dec 02, 2005, 07:16 AM // 07:16
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: boston o.o
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the OP keeps asking people to make valid points against his idea... but whenever someone DOES, he just says it wasnt valid and asks them to move on... could you be more full of yourself?
this is a stupid idea. and im not going to explain why. now the OP can at least be justified when he bitchs about this post.
Last edited by jimmyhats; Dec 02, 2005 at 07:23 AM // 07:23..
Dec 02, 2005, 07:53 AM // 07:53
Ascalonian Squire
Join Date: Oct 2005
Guild: Space Pirates
Profession: N/R
I like this idea. It's not lazy; in much the same way that using direct deposit to get paid in real life is not lazy.
With that being said, though, I still wouldn't want to see it implemented. My girlfriend and I play the game together, and, for some reason (don't ask me why, I don't know), she enjoys picking up the piles of gold. I play as a warrior and she plays as an elementalist, and although I'm usually right next to the gold when it drops, I leave it there for her to pick up (in fact, I've been yelled at a couple of times because I didn't leave gold on the ground ). It's such a simple thing, and yet if she weren't able to do it, I know that she wouldn't enjoy the game as much.
I'd guess that there are other people like this, and why take out that little bit of fun for those people just to add some unneeded convenience?
Last edited by ancient_chozo; Dec 02, 2005 at 09:46 AM // 09:46..
Dec 02, 2005, 01:00 PM // 13:00
Frost Gate Guardian
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Originally Posted by jimmyhats
the OP keeps asking people to make valid points against his idea... but whenever someone DOES, he just says it wasnt valid and asks them to move on... could you be more full of yourself?
this is a stupid idea. and im not going to explain why. now the OP can at least be justified when he bitchs about this post.
Ahem lesson time, Valid= Definition:1)well-grounded or justifiable : being at once relevant and meaningful. 2a) appropriate to the end in view. <a valid theory> 2b) logically correct <a valid argument>
Jimmy it may behoove you to know the definition of a word before using it. Also, when I stated this-
Originally Posted by Ensabah Nur
Please people if you cannot come up with valid/logical reasons for dismissing the ideas/game suggestions posted in forums ignore the threads and move along.
at that point no one had made a valid point/counterpoint other than "Your lazy, I don't like it". "Nuff said
Jesh, I never said it was groundbreaking, just something I and apparently the majority of a few others (according to the posts/replies) would like the devs to consider.
I fully understand Ancient Chozo's POV. IE:Carrots
And Zaklex are you the decision making Dev for Arena? I didn't think so, so you can not say "It'll never happen " with any authority can you?
Dec 03, 2005, 07:20 PM // 19:20
Frost Gate Guardian
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: boston o.o
Guild: Pros At Inactivity [bleh]
oh i fully understand what "valid" means... however validity is subjective... just because you do not feel that someones point was vaild, does not mean that it wasnt.
and in the case of this thread, "you are lazy" is a valid point, because your suggestion is so utterly asinine.
also, i wanted you to thank you for the speedy reply to my first post, and for proving how truly full of yourself you really are.
Last edited by jimmyhats; Dec 03, 2005 at 07:23 PM // 19:23..
Dec 03, 2005, 09:20 PM // 21:20
Frost Gate Guardian
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*Heavy Sigh* "Some people you just can't reach." - Unknown
Jimmy, obviously you need to pick up a dictionary and lookup the words you didn't understand in the definition of Valid.
As for me being "Lazy" I work over 40 hours a week and raise 5 kids, so anywhere I can cut time/effort, then yea I'm Lazy. Which is still not a VALID counterpoint.
And as for my rapid response to your eloquent reply making me "Full of myself" I work 40 + hours a week and raise 5 kids so my internet time varies(as does yours 2 am & 2 pm).
I am done with you, because I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. more than Nuff Said
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